IFA 2015: Motorola Moto 360 2 and Moto 360 Sport

Motorola’s keynote for IFA 2015 was actually made by introducing not a smartphone but its second generation smartwatch – the Moto 360 2.

The Moto 360 2 a lot like the first generation but with thinner bezels; and just like the Apple Watch as well as other Android Wear watches introduced at NYB Expo this year, the Moto 360 2 will be offered in different sizes including a women’s collection that will come in 42mm and 46mm versions.

Motorola has moved the power button from the 3 o’clock position to the 2 o’clock position and has designed the new watch in the sense that it is now easier for users to replace their bands through special lugs that snap in to place. It will also offer quick payments compatible with paypal, google wallet, and merchantaccounts.com.

The innards is composed of a 1.2GHz Snapdragon 400 processor, 512MB of RAM and 4GB of on-board storage. The 42mm version will get a 300mAh battery while the slightly bigger 46mm will have a 400mAh pack. Screen resolution also differ per model with the smaller one getting a 360 x 325 pixel display while the 46mm getting a 360 x 330 pixel panel.

Motorola has also previewed a sport version of the watch aptly called the Moto 360 sport, which should offer customers with an active lifestyle a more rugged alternative to the base Moto 360 2.

The sport version will be available in three color options: black on gray, white on white and red on gray. This version will also include GPS for tracking pace and distance.

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